Parsley Bay Residence is located on a long, gently sloping property fronting onto Sydney Harbour. The unique topography and the shared vision and creative collaboration between the client and the architect is reflected in the architecture of this residence.
The 3-level residence extends across almost the full length of the 70-metre-long site. A sequence of descending courtyards that step with the natural topography provides a variety of indoor-outdoor relationships to optimise views, privacy, weather conditions and spatial experience.
An open courtyard with a generous 4-metre-wide stair is located at the heart of the site. The stair, aligned to a significant view axis, leads to a dramatic, waterfront living area. Eight sculpted 7-metre-high columns form a loggia between the living area, the view and lawn beyond that connects to the boathouse and pool. A set of 4-metre-tall retracting steel doors enables a seamless flow between living areas and the garden. The sliding doors include screens that can be closed or fully retracted to mediate views, privacy, light and breezes.
A restrained, durable palette of materials suitable for the harbour environment complements the architectural forms. All furniture and furnishings for the residence were designed or selected by Tzannes.